Some Quotes I Like

I'm a quote-collector. Here are some that I've caught with my butterfly net and pressed into the pages of my journal over the last nine months.

On creativity:
"Creative ideas are like a fragile bud--they've got to be nurtured so they can blossom."
Daniel Goleman
"New Insights on the Creative Brain"
Psychology Today

On facing adversity:
"Whatever is overflowing in you will spill out when you get bumped."
Indian Proverb
Quoted by Ravi Zacharias, Evangelist

"The greatest oak was once a little nut that held its ground."

"When I'm going through a tough time emotionally or relationally or spiritually, I figure I'm getting an education in those areas. When it gets really tough, I think of it as graduate work. Everyone and everything become[s] part of my education. God redeems them and uses them to shape me into the person He wants me to become."
Mark Batterson, Pastor of National Community Church
Washington, D.C.

On a daddy's love:
"I don't know...the older Norah gets, the more she seems to steal my heart."
Daniel Suelzle, My Brother-in-Law
On his daughter

On romantic love:
"In my teens and 20's, all I wanted was that high, that sort of cocaine of love."
Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of "Eat, Pray, Love"
Interview on "This Emotional Life"

"Yeah, I live for romantic love.
I live too much for it!
Workin' on my love addiction."
Alanis Morisette, Musician
Interview on "This Emotional Life"

"To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god."
Jorge Luis Borger

On pleasure:
"Any pleasure that refreshes you without
diminishing you,
distracting you,
or destroying your final goal
is a legitimate pleasure."
Ravi Zacharias, Evangelist

On coming to terms with myself:
"Truth: I am the problem."
Journal Entry, 3/28/12

On guidance:
"Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul."
Psalm 143:8, The Bible

On falling in love with the infallible God:
"Isn't it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?"
Francis Chan, in the book "Crazy Love"


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